Benchmarking and Evaluating Large Video Generation Models

1 Tencent AI Lab     2 City University of Hong Kong    
3 University of Macau     4 The Chinese University of Hong Kong

CVPR 2024

*Indicates Equal Contribution


Name Version Visual Quality Text-Video Alignment Motion Quality Temporal Consistency Final Sum Score
VideoCrafter2 2024.01 63.98 63.16 54.82 61.46 243
VideoCrafter1 2023.10 60.85 61.95 53.08 55.89 232
LaVie-Interpolation 2023.09 57.72 69.1 54.08 60.38 241
Gen2 2023.09 62.51 60.98 56.43 64.41 244
PikaLab 2023.10 60.77 55.8 55.77 65.41 238
Hotshot-XL 2023.10 60.38 61.52 52.98 59.96 235
LaVie-Base 2023.09 57.99 68.49 52.83 54.23 234
Show-1 2023.10 52.19 62.07 53.74 60.83 229
VideoCrafter V0.9 (Floor33) 2023.08 58.78 61.32 49.16 50.24 220
Modelscope-XL 2023.08 53.09 54.46 52.47 57.8 218
Zeroscope 2023.06 53.41 51.21 53.61 58.91 217
Gen2 2023.12 69.09 63.92 55.59 65.4 254
PikaLab V1.0 2023.12 63.05 66.97 56.43 63.81 250
MoonValley 2024.01 69.53 50.66 55.46 65.25 241
More Methods (Morph Studio ,   Genmo.AI  ) will be evalcrafted soon, stay tunned!

Join our evaluation by sending an Email to obtain the prompt list!

Overall Pipeline

The vision and language generative models have been overgrown in recent years. For video generation, various open-sourced models and public-available services are released for generating high-visual quality videos. However, these methods often use out-of-fashion academic metrics, \eg, FVD or IS, to evaluate the models' performance. We argue that it is hard to judge the large conditional generative models from the simple metrics since these models are often trained on very large datasets with multi-aspect abilities. Thus, we propose a new framework and pipeline to exhaustively evaluate the performance of the generated videos. To achieve this, we first conduct a new prompt list for text-to-video generation by analyzing the real-world prompt list with the help of the large language model. Then, we evaluate the state-of-the-art text-to-video generative models on our carefully designed benchmarks, in terms of visual qualities, content qualities, motion qualities, and text-caption alignment with around 17 objective metrics. To obtain the final leaderboard of the models, we also conduct 5 subjective studies from the aspective of motion quality, text-video alignment, temporal consistency, visual quality, and user favor, where we can align the objective metrics to the users' opinions and get the final ranking. Based on the proposed opinion alignment method, our method can successfully align the objective metrics to the subjective ones and show the effectiveness of the proposed evaluation metrics.

Internal Information

Name Version Abilities Resolution fps Open Source Length Generation Speed Motion Control Camera Control
ModelScope 23.03 T2V 256x256 8 4s 0.5min - -
Gen2 23.09 I2V OR T2V 896x512 24 - 4s 1 min
LaVie-Interpolation 23.09 T2V 1280x2048 8 2s 3 min - -
PikaLab 23.09 I2V OR T2V 1088x640 24 - 3s 1 min
Hotshot-XL 23.10 T2V 672x384 8 1s 10 s - -
LaVie-Base 23.09 T2V 320x512 8 2s 10 s - -
VideoCrafter1 23.10 I2V & T2V 1024x576 8 2s 3 min - -
Show-1 23.10 T2V 576x320 8 4s 10 min - -
Floor33 23.08 T2V 1280x720 8 - 2s 4 min - -
ModelScope 23.08 I2V & V2V 1280x720 8 4s 8 min+ - -
ZeroScope 23.06 T2V & V2V 1024x576 8 4s 3 min - -
Gen2 23.12 I2V OR T2V 1408x768 24 - 4s 1.5 min
PikaLab V1.0 23.12 I2V OR T2V 1280x720 24 - 3s 1.5 min
MoonValley 24.01 I2V OR T2V 1184x672 50 - 1s 3 min -

Raw Metrics

Metrics Version VQA_A VQA_T IS CLIP-Temp Warping Error Face Consistency Action-Score Motion AC-Score Flow-Score CLIP-Score BLIP-BLUE SD-Score Detection-Score Color-Score Count-Score OCR-Score Celebrity ID Score
Gen2 23.09 59.44 76.51 14.53 99.94 0.0008 99.06 62.53 44.0 0.7 20.53 22.24 68.58 64.05 37.56 53.31 75.0 41.25
ModelScope 2023.08 40.06 32.93 17.64 99.74 0.0162 98.94 72.12 42.0 6.99 20.36 22.54 67.93 50.01 38.72 44.18 71.32 44.56
PikaLab 2023.10 59.09 64.96 14.81 99.97 0.0006 99.62 71.81 44.0 0.5 20.46 21.14 68.57 58.99 34.35 51.46 84.31 45.21
Floor33 2023.08 58.7 52.64 17.01 99.6 0.0413 99.08 71.66 74.0 9.26 21.02 22.73 68.7 52.44 41.85 58.33 87.48 40.07
ZeroScope 2023.06 34.02 39.94 14.48 99.84 0.0193 99.33 67.56 50.0 4.5 20.2 21.2 67.79 53.94 39.25 41.01 82.58 46.93
VideoCrafter 2023.10 66.18 58.93 16.43 99.78 0.0295 99.48 68.06 50.0 5.44 21.33 22.17 68.73 67.67 45.11 58.11 88.04 40.18
Show-1 2023.10 23.19 44.24 17.65 99.77 0.0067 99.32 81.56 50.0 2.07 20.66 23.24 68.42 58.63 48.55 44.31 58.97 37.93
Hotshot 2023.10 71.54 50.52 17.29 99.74 0.0091 99.48 66.8 56.0 5.06 20.33 23.59 67.65 45.7 42.39 49.5 63.66 38.58
MoonValley 2024.01 93.2 90.02 14.55 99.97 0.0009 99.52 74.99 45.45 0.4 20.67 21.67 68.29 63.8 36.84 45.47 92.66 48.86
Gen2 2023.12 90.39 92.18 19.28 99.99 0.0005 99.35 73.44 44.0 0.58 20.26 22.25 67.69 69.54 47.39 58.36 63.74 38.9
PikaLab V1.0 2023.12 69.23 71.12 16.67 99.89 0.0008 99.22 61.29 42.0 1.14 20.47 21.31 67.43 70.26 42.03 62.19 94.85 36.53

A larger value indicate a better performance in nearly all the metrics.
Lower Warping Error means the better.
Amp Class means the motion amplitude classification score, which is only for reference.

Pre-Type Results (Average)

Raw User Studies results

Benchmark Information


		      title={EvalCrafter: Benchmarking and Evaluating Large Video Generation Models}, 
		      author={Yaofang Liu and Xiaodong Cun and Xuebo Liu and Xintao Wang and Yong Zhang and Haoxin Chen and Yang Liu and Tieyong Zeng and Raymond Chan and Ying Shan},